June 3, 2014
Mr. Craig Kaufman, President
Safari Club International
4800 W. Gates Pass Road
Tucson, AZ 85745
Dear Mr. Kaufman
The International Professional Hunters’ Association and its worldwide membership want to be put on record as objecting in the strongest manner possible to SCI plans to start its own in house booking agency – SCI Outdoors. We are deeply concerned about the adverse repercussions such a move will have on our industry and it seems unimaginable that SCI could even consider such a move, and certainly that the organizations representing the interests of professional hunters, outfitters and booking agents were not consulted.
These organizations (which you like to call SCI Affiliated Organizations) and their members have always played a major role in the success of your convention and ultimately your organization and it makes no sense that such a decision could be made without their input – and a decision which will put you in direct competition with so many loyal, longstanding members who have donated so much to your organization.
In no way should Safari Club International be in the booking business, nor in any way favor or support any of its members over others. It is certainly doing this by competing against its own members in this commercial activity, a very serious conflict of interest. It needs to focus on its current mandate – representing the interests of all of its members, providing the marketplace to put operators together with clients and fighting for the rights of hunters.
Our IPHA members have supported your organization since its inception and are responsible for
thousands and thousands of dollars in your coffers from donated hunts. We are deeply concerned that SCI Outdoors will negatively impact their livelihoods and we urge you to reconsider this divisive and ill- conceived decision.
Sincerely yours,