Marco Polo Argali Hunt in Kyrgyzstan by B. Mizrai

Marco Polo Argali Hunting in Kyrgyzstan Mid-Asian Ibex Hunt in Kyrgyzstan Dear Valeriano I want to thank you for the most exciting hunt I have ever been on, but most of all, for traveling with me to Kyrgyzstan and making sure that I stayed safe through out my trip. Marco Polo Hunting in Kyrgyzstan Hunting Marco Polo was adventure beyond my wildest dreams, and at

October 17th, 2019|Categories: Grand Slam Ibex, Hunting in Kyrgizstan, Marco Polo hunt, Mid-Asian ibex|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Marco Polo Argali Hunt in Kyrgyzstan by B. Mizrai

Marco Polo Sheep Hunt by A.Sharif

Marco Polo Sheep hunting in Kyrgyzstan I hunted in the Tien Shan mountains of Kyrgyzstan in October of 2019 for a Marco Polo and a Mid Asian Ibex in a hunt arranged by my good friend Valeriano of Ibexhuntspain. Marco Polo Argali This was a successful hunt with a good size Marco Polo ram taken on day 5 of the hunt. Valeriano is a professional

June 16th, 2019|Categories: Hunting in Kyrgizstan, Marco Polo hunt, Mid-Asian ibex|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Marco Polo Sheep Hunt by A.Sharif